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Super Protection 3

今日的第三讲中,我们将探讨大师最关心的口罩标题问题,口罩的历史,构造与功用,和在极端状况下如何迟误口罩的使用寿命。In the third lesson, we are going to talk about face mask, its history, structure and function, and how to use face masks for several times.

Face mask

口罩来源于中国,古时人们为了进献给神灵或许位置尊贵的人食物时坚持清洁,所以蒙上口鼻。Face mask originated from China. To get clean food, ancient people covered their noses and mouths.  


 short history of masks

1897年德国人创造了6层纱布制作的口罩,环形带子戴在耳朵上来辅佐医疗人员免于受到传染。这是最早的口罩。A German man invented 6 layer gauze masks. They were used to protect medical team from diseases.
在1910年,当黑死病(鼠疫)在中国东北大盛行,不计其数的人们死往。有一位爱心医生,应用两层纱布里放上药棉制成便宜有用的口罩来辅佐人们阻断感染源,从而辅佐了不计其数的人。In 1910, when Black Death struck North China, thousands of people die in the disaster. Mr Wu Invented a cheap mask (2 layers of gauze with cotton in the middle) to stop Black Death, and saved thousands of people.

抗击东北鼠疫顶用的伍氏口罩 Mr Wu’s Mask

The material and structure of mask

一次性外科口罩分为三层,外层:避免液体飞溅,中层:阻拦 拦阻 阻当或许吸附颗粒物或病菌,内层:吸取水汽。Outside layer: Prevent spray,   Middle layer: absorb pathogen,Inside layer: absorb water vapor.
要害过滤层是旁边层,是由无纺布组成,它会应用静电作用吸附小的颗粒和病原体。The key layer of the mask is the middle layer which uses static electricity to absorb small particles and pathogen.


      N95/KN95 Mask 


N-不耐油 not resistant to oil

最少95%过滤效果at least95% filtration

N95/KN95合适应用于专业场景(病院)They are suitable for professional usage

这些口罩特殊不合适白叟,孕妇,或许呼吸困难的人群,由于过滤效率很高,因此对氧气环境的要求很高(最少20%)They are not suitable to older people, pregnant ladies or anyone with the problem of breathing. They need high oxygen standard environment ( at least 20%)

N95/KN95分为有阀款和无阀款两种。They can be divided into two types: with the valve or without the valve.

无阀款:实用于医护人员和病人,庇护本身庇护环境。No valve: For medical team or patients, beneficial both to themselves and environment

有阀款:实用于一般人,庇护本身不庇护环境。With valve: For normal person, beneficial only to themselves not to environment


How to save more masks?

在防护材料缺乏的今日如何浪费使用口罩是个很现实的标题问题。首先我们来研究下毕竟口罩中的哪一层随便受损掉往作用。我们发明内层随便沾水而掉往效果,那末能否用其他吸水的材料来替代?With limited masks, it is a real challenge for us to think different ways to use masks for longer time. First we need to figure out the key problem. Because of wet inside layer, the mask will lose its function. Can we use other materials to absorb water?
有真理家提出裹上保鲜膜,用热吹风机吹30分钟以上,你可以尝尝可以操作么?任何的假定都需要用实验来检验测验,请和教师来分享你的检验测验后果。Someone claimed that using hair dryer to heat masks for over 30 minutes can kill pathogens. Try with hair dryer to heat mask for more than 30 minutes. Any Hypothesis needs to be tested with experiments.

Changeable mask inside layer

有些厂家设计出了口罩替换芯,构造与口罩构造相似,可以使得口罩使用更长的时间。Some companies invented changeable inside layer of mask. With similar structure of masks, it can be changeable and let masks last longer.

Is there any other creative idea to save masks?

Protective Gloves

近期对大师而言使用比拟多的会有两种手套:乳胶手套和食品手套。乳胶手套比拟贴合手型,有效隔尽外界环境,可以在病院环境里使用。食品用手套比拟薄,不是很贴合手,主要庇护食物不被污染。固然假如实在比拟担心环境里存在的病菌,可以在一般手套外加上食品手套也可以有一个临时性的庇护。Recently rubber gloves and food gloves are two types of protective tools. Rubber glove can protect you very well in the environment, suitable to be used in the hospital. Food gloves can be used to protect food from dirty things. If you worry a lot about the environment, you can use food gloves as a temporary protective tool.

下一次我们会和大师探讨各种各样的消毒办法,合适的场景,使用留心事项等。敬请等候。Tomorrow we are going to talk about different ways of disinfection. See you !








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标签: STEAM:超等防护(三)
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