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STEAM:我得防卫兵士 3

来源:互联网 编辑:wan玩得好手游小编 更新:2024-07-31 04:56:11 人气:

我得防卫兵士 3

My Protective Soldiers 3

友好得同窗们,今日我们将讲述战争之外得故事,若何取得免疫力,为什么疫苗可以保重 珍爱我们。

Today we will talk about stories after the war. How to get immunity? Why vaccine can protect us?

Stories after the war


Why recovered patients are asked to donate their blood? Is there any special thing inside their blood?


Because there will be antibodies in the plasma from a recovered patient which will be useful to other dangerous patients?

How to get immunity?

我们比来听到许多说要提高免疫力,那什么是免疫力呢?免疫力:可以在受传染得疾病中抵挡和恢复得才能。若何到手免疫力呢?病人可以从其他康复得患者中到手反抗病毒得免疫力。胎儿和刚避世 出世得婴儿可以从母体(血液或许乳汁)中取得保重 珍爱他们得免疫力。

What is immunity? Immunity is the ability to resist and recover from an infectious disease. How to get it? Patients can get immunity from another recovered patient. Fetus or infants can get their immunity from their mum.

Vaccination: get your own immunity


In 1796, Edward Jenner, a country doctor in England, tested the world’s first vaccination. He took material from a cowpox on a milkmaid’s hand and put it into a 8-year-old boy’s skin. It prevented the boy from infection of smallpox. From vaccination, Jenner solved the problem of smallpox which had killed 400000 people every year.  


French scientist Louis Pasteur’s 1885 rabies vaccine was the next to make an impact on human disease. Ant then, at the dawn of bacteriology, developments rapidly followed.


The way of vaccination is prepare body by injecting killed or weakened pathogens into human body. The vaccine stimulates the body to make an immune response. B cells make antibodies to attack the special pathogen. Vaccine will trigger the body to make memory cells for a special pathogen without causing illness.

将来 明天将来我们将讲述若是免疫系统出现了问题,那就会以致 导致各种疾病得发作。

Tomorrow we will talk about the disease caused by the problem of immune system.



中国 加油!!!




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